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Diamond's Glitter

by louis gander

Breezes and the sun can make -
diamonds shimmer on the lake.
Jewels seen but can't be touched,
can't be clutched -
and always fake.

Running to and fro and hither -
never call these men a 'quitter' -
chasing glimmer on the waves,
just busy slaves -
at each glitter.

With every single passing cloud -
that floats on by, that laughs out loud -
seeing feeble, vain attempts,
in full contempt,
the rich and proud.

The root of evil, Satan's tools,
reveals imitation jewels -
then proves beyond a shadows doubt,
a 'wisdom' drought -
with greedy fools.

So please observe creation, vast -
clouds move slowly, time moves fast.
Don't let the diamonds make you thirst -
put others first,
and put you last...

as Jesus did upon the tree,
the sacrifice, for you, for me.
Pass by the glimmers on the lake -
those diamonds, fake.
His Spirit, free.

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