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My King Saves

by Robert Hedrick

There's a good chance you've heard it said, God save the king,
Then I say, that The King saved me and caused my heart to sing.
He forgave me of the debt that I owed and then He made me free,
Inviting me to live with Him someday throughout all of eternity.

He rescued me from a pit having an everlasting, tormenting, flame,
Then, into the most important book ever, He recorded my name.
He lifted me from the miry clay where I had been for so long,
Pointing me in a different direction to know I had been wrong.

Then He opened my eyes to The Light that I'd never seen before,
Filling my life with His treasures and then, giving me even more.
Treasures that are more valuable than the world's silver and gold,
The kind that This King and only This King could possibly unfold.

Only One King could this be, King Jesus, my Savior and my Lord,
He is The King that I am serving and heaven shall be my reward.
He shed His blood not only for me, but for all the world's sin,
Those who accept His finished work will gladly be welcomed in.

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