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Best By Far

by Donna Hendrix

There are times when I yearn for the days of my youth
Alas, at this time they are totally aloof
I look at the wrinkles I've developed over the years
The gray in my hair can almost bring tears

My out of shape body that was once so tone
Now looks as though it's been through a fat zone
And the energy I once had in getting chores done
My aching body now completely will shun

Alas, dear ones, those youthful days will never return
Along with the weight gain there's so much I've learned
God has taught me much about life
About man's struggles and daily strife

The sufferings I dealt with year after year
Have brought me face to face with my Savior so dear
Corinthians teaches us, "though outwardly we are wasting away,
Inwardly we are being renewed day by day"

I no longer have my youthful energy or youthful ways
For Christ has lovingly matured me, and I'm so amazed
For the sins and shortcomings of those younger days
Have made me the person who now walks in God's ways

These days of my life are the best by far
For Jesus lives through me and uses my scars
To show others of His abundant mercy and love
To teach others that there isn't any problem you can't rise above

I wouldn't trade all of my tomorrows
To go back to all my youthful sorrows
For Christ now walks and talks with me day after day
And to live in His grace and mercy, I gladly accept the gray!

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