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My Beautiful Friend

by louis gander © 2017

Oh, why do you tease me, my beautiful friend?
Oh, why do you keep me 'at bay'?
I try and I try to get closer to you,
but you keep on moving away!

I cannot get closer, the more that I walk.
You keep a safe distance from me.
But please do not think that I'm someone to fear.
Just trust me that I'll keep you free.

The colors you wear seem to weaken my knees.
Your beauty I do not deserve.
Your brilliance continues to draw me to you,
so why do you throw me this curve?

Yes, God had created a beautiful 'you'.
You light up my life like the sky.
He keeps all His infinite promises too,
but don't ask me - I don't know why.

I can't get around and I can't get beneath -
yet you are beyond grandiose.
I know no one ever has touched you before,
and I can't begin to get close.

Although I can't touch you or hear what you say,
maybe apart, we aren't far..
And though you don't let me get closer to you,
a beautiful rainbow you are!

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