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Reflections from God

by Kathleen Higham

In the beginning was the Word
Through Him all things were made
From Him life became flesh
Brought light that will never fade.

See His glory in the clouds
Reflections from God above
His light shines down radiantly
On the Bible, His Book of love.

It calls to me with deep longing
To learn with fervent desire
A love letter from the Lord
Sets a heart for God on fire.

In the Word we seek and find
Our eyes are heaven bound
The Bible reflects our Savior God
Then eternal life will be found.

Sit quietly and meditate on Him
Feel the warmth on your skin
He will come inside your heart
And wash away every last sin.

His presence dwells in the soul
A breathless sight for all to see
Every thought shall bear His name
When at last a sinner becomes free.

The Bible will reveal His story
I am mesmerized by this vision
Reflections from the one true God
My heart sings, "He is Risen!"

John 1:1

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