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Behind Doors

by Robert Hedrick

When a door opens, then likely it will close again,
Those with out, shut out and those with in, shut in.
While performing the duties it was designed to do,
Not allowing any of the unwanted to come through.

From behind some, come stories that are very sad,
Where a child's been abused by it's mother or dad.
And crippling a young life, physically and mentally,
When drugs had blinded the parents sense of reality.

A different scene behind a door on down this street,
Where there is family life that we'd call complete.
Behind these doors, it's God's love keeping evil out,
They're aware of what the true value of life is about.

Behind a door somewhere is where most people live,
Inside, it may not be as the outside appearance gives.
Behind the doors of hearts where Jesus is invited in,
Live those who are saved and never to be lost again.

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