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Inside The Fold

by Margaret Cagle

I'm safely inside my good Shepherd's fold.
When He calls me, I know His voice.
Wherever He leads, I will follow Him.
That is my commitment and my choice.

I am an old sheep, poky and slow,
But He leads me to pastures so green.
I feed on spiritual food, God's Word,
And on His great mercy, I will lean.

When I was a young, fun-seeking lamb,
At times I would sadly go astray,
But my Shepherd came and found me,
And He lovingly showed me the way.

I learned to stay close to my Shepherd
As He leads me all the day long.
I know my good Shepherd will guide me,
Into the paths that are not wrong.

My good Shepherd will lead me home
At the ending of the long day.
Wolves may howl, and storms may blow,
But I am safely in the fold to stay.

This poem won second place for the August 2012 poetry contest

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