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Principles or Preferences

by Donna Hendrix

We should strive to live as Daniel did in the days of old
A man of his conviction, not just doing what he was told
He was pressured to live as the Babylonians did
But as a man of principle; some things he just forbid

No matter what they asked of him and his earthly friends
He always chose God's desires for them to a bitter end
Daniel was offered to partake of food from the king's table
But being unlawful for him to eat non kosher; he just wasn't able

Praying was outlawed in the Babylonian way
Daniel just ignored it and kneeled to God each day
He was arrested and thrown into the lion's den
God came to his rescue; His Daniel he did defend

Daniel was restored to his position in the land
And served as a leader; this Godly principled man
Daniel didn't live by the preferences of the flesh
But lived by conviction that in his heart was so enmeshed

Are you living by principles in the decisions that you make
Or do you live out your preferences in the things you undertake
God gives to us the moral laws and standards by which we are to live
Through the Holy Bible; the answers to you He gives

Most decisions aren't meant to be so difficult
They're either right or wrong; giving you quick results
You can't fudge on true convictions, try as you might
When living by God's principles; they're plainly in black and white

With the new year upon us, take a stand to live out your convictions
When you waiver from the truth; think of the crucifixion
If Jesus lived by personal preference instead of principles from His Father above
None of us would have ever had the chance to know the Father's love

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