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An Inside Look

by Robert Hedrick © 2017

On the outside and looking in,
I couldn't see through the sin.
Then on the inside looking out,
I could see what life's all about.

At the top and looking down,
All that I could see was a frown.
Down on the bottom, looking up,
I saw blessings filling my cup.

Under dark shadows so dreary,
A trail of sin made my life weary.
Suffocating in a world of greed,
Withering away just like a weed.

Then Son Light cleared my way,
Making my tomorrow a better day.
Rescued then from Satin's sting,
Not by mortal man, but by A King.

This royalty has replaced my past,
With a peace that is made to last.
Giving wisdom to lead and guide,
On to be a part of This King's Bride.

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