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There is No Debate

by Donna Hendrix

The debate goes on about the creation of the world
Wow, what an amazing task the big bang unfurled!
Or maybe you prefer to believe in the bubble theory
Or better yet the bouncing universe; it just makes me weary!

There's the white hole theory; Matter appears at the speed of light
Out of nothingness and the dead of night
And multiple other scenarios with no explanation of what had to preexist
Some won't even recognize the possibility that God does exist

The creation of life came through evolution
Still many doubt this theory but don't believe God is the solution
Somehow cells replicated over millions of years
To form human beings with intelligence and fears

I guess I'm just as stubborn as many others out there
You'll never convince me of any theory that will compare
To the knowledge that God is the creator of the entire universe
For me there is no debate and all other theories are just perverse

If you really take the time to enjoy the world and it's natural wonders
And take time to watch a lightning storm and hear the rolling thunders
You will never entertain another creation theory
From any other explanation you will just be leery

The big bang didn't create a world of beautiful landscapes
Snowy mountain peaks and restful beach escapes
Adam and Eve didn't develop by accident from replicating cells
And just as sure as there's an earth, there's a heaven and a hell

So, if you're looking for answers to life's tough questions
Turning to the Bible is my number one suggestion
It has all of the answers that you seek to find
Let God into your heart and He will open your mind

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