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Ashes to Ashes

by Robert Hedrick

Now in my opinion, it will not matter whether I return to ashes or to dust,
The only thing really making a difference, is in whom I'd put my trust.
Whether I leave this life in a blaze of glory or I just quietly pass away,
Won't mean a thing as I'm standing before my God on that judgment day.

All the possessions we have on earth will remain here, when we depart,
Our bank account won't make a difference, only what's stored in our heart.
Today's possessions are far from perfect, yet heaven is a perfect place,
Then those treasures we receive there, will come from God's perfect grace.

The treasures in heaven will never corrupt or cause corruption of any kind,
Unlike those we have here that are known to destroy a persons body and mind.
Though their intent is to provide our needs, they become corrupt by misuse,
While some take such control of lives, that only death will turn them loose.

Now what we take into heaven, won't be found in our pockets, but in our heart,
So then, heaven will be the place to store treasures for all who are smart.
Then when we are separated from this life and taken into a perfect eternity,
Whether into ashes or dust, we will be with Jesus who died for you and me.

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