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A Quiet Place

by Robert Hedrick

As I bow my head and close my eyes, going to God in silent prayer,
Then I feel His perfect peace and love that's surrounding me there.
Far away from the rest of this world that's moving at a rapid pace,
Just The Lord and I, having a private session in my quiet place.

Then, for me, I find my quiet place is usually not hard to find,
There's most always one close by wherever I might be at the time.
Knowing that God will surely hear me from any corner that I call,
Meeting each of the requests I make, no matter how large or small.

There's been some special quiet places that I've enjoyed in the past,
Although it always seems the one most special, was the one I had last.
No matter when or where, when I'm talking to God, it is special to me,
While fishing from a creek bank or finding shade under a big oak tree.

Most praying folks have a favorite quiet place and I sure have mine,
This is where I privately talk to The Lord My God most of the time.
Alone in bed, before I go to sleep and again, beginning the new day,
Then as I go to Him, I receive that needed encouragement as I pray.

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