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A Completed Journey

by Robert Hedrick

When my eyes close for the last time and my journey here is complete,
I'll arrive in heaven, given a glorified body and walk a golden street.
With the many problems and sorrows of this world, all left far behind,
Then I will never again have to deal with pain or sickness of any kind.

When I think of heaven, the only picture I have is the one in my mind,
And Jesus said my imagination couldn't conceive the glory I'll find.
He is it's preparer and He's perfect in any way that perfect can be,
Therefore heaven will be the perfect place for anyone to spend eternity.

When in heaven, as I look up, will I still see that fluffy white cloud,
Then as the saints gather around, will I recognize faces in the crowd.
If I have a name in heaven, will it be the one I answered to on earth,
That was chosen and given to me by my parents at the time of my birth.

As my eyes close, leaving this world behind and heaven's well in sight,
All of my questions will be answered as I behold The Everlasting Light.
This Light being Jesus, The Supplier of everything that I'd ever needed,
Then I will stand in heaven with Him, for my journey has been completed.

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