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by Robert Hedrick

God made me and I believe He did so with this in mind,
That I am to share His loving greatness among mankind.
Assuring them He's real and they're part of His creation,
They'll enter heaven by accepting His forgiving invitation.

In God's image we're created, it is Him we should serve,
Not the one booted from heaven, this he does not deserve.
For it is God that lifts us up, but Satan will pull us down,
God offers us heaven as Satan causes us to be hell bound.

God put us in the best situation right at the very start,
In a perfect setting, up until Satan entered in our heart.
Again giving The Best, God sent Jesus to cleanse our soul,
Once more given a perfect home, with our name on heaven's roll.

Now God has done all of this for us and so very much more,
If you are not serving Him, I ask, what are you waiting for.
Serve with gifts you likely didn't realize He has given you,
Telling this, for God so loved the world and not just a few.

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