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One and Only

by louis gander

One day soon we'll leave this world -
this world of wicked sin -
so where's the key to Heaven's Gate,
that we may step right in?

It isn't found in idols,
the silver, gold or wood -
It isn't found inside a prayer,
nor through intentions, good.

It isn't found in our career,
nor through some unclaimed perk -
It isn't found by our own hands,
nor through our greatest work.

It isn't found in churches,
or found inside a hymn.
It isn't found in human thoughts
nor through our newest whim.

It's not found in theology,
nor through man's greatest book.
It's found in yet another place -
...if only we would look.

God created just one key,
to fit in locks designed,
to hold the gate to Heaven shut -
and it's the one to find.

Heaven's gate accepts one key -
and it's the only one -
forged by grace and turned with faith
in His begotten Son.

Heaven's gate, forever locked
and firmly shut, will be -
unless within our heart we hold
that one and only key.

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