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Playing Church

by Margaret Cagle

My sisters and I played church
When I was just a little kid.
I look back, and I remember
All the funny things we did.

One of us did the preaching
As she tried to talk like a man.
One of us sang a special song
While holding a cardboard fan.

We started our business meeting.
"Is there any old business?" we asked.
Then we would argue just a little
About all the unfinished tasks.

"Let's stop playing church!"
One Sunday the preacher said.
"Somebody must have told him,"
I thought as my face turned red.

My childhood days are gone.
I know what the preacher was saying.
When we just go through the motions,
It is like we're just church-playing.

Christians, let's not play church.
Let's meet in the spirit of the Lord
As we all assemble in our church
And worship our God in one accord.

This poem won first place for the September 2013 poetry contest

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