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Riches to Riches

by Robert Hedrick

One day you look down on your treasures saying, I've got it made,
Later, looking up you say, Lord how will all these bills be paid.
For your seemingly unending flow of money is now totally deleted,
Leaving you with not much more than the feeling of being defeated.

From being influential, on down the ladder to the bottom in a short time,
Having paid your way up and now you're so close to that last dime.
Those friends that came out of the wood works have gone back in,
However if you regain that wealth they will likely come out again.

Things happen and for a reason with your case being no exception,
Likely God was trying to get your attention after years of rejection.
Wealth had become your god, depending on it for your every need,
Then in time, God caused it to disappear, just like a withering weed.

Now He has your attention for you're seeking Him in what to do,
Then if you'll just follow His instructions, He has plans for you.
The riches He provides won't disappear as the wealth you possessed,
With the truth being, far beyond this life, you'll still be blessed.

This poem was a finalist in the February 2011 poetry contest

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