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by Robert Hedrick

In an effort to be thoughtful, a good thought is needed,
With the good thoughts, thoughtful acts can be deeded.
Perhaps even starting a trend and brightening a few faces,
And spread sunshine in some otherwise, gloomy places.

For some, thoughtfulness seems to be part of living,
Satisfaction for them comes not in taking, but in giving.
When least expected, an act of thoughtfulness is shown,
Possibly the recipient's respect for humanity has grown.

Thoughtfulness can be shared in a lot of different ways,
And provide a touch of cheer through long, dreary days.
Even that small act of kindness can be very much appreciated,
Especially if the heart was right when it is first initiated.

It appears to be in today's world, that greed is in control.
Instead of thinking of others, selfishness floods the soul.
Any thoughtful act shown should be met with gratitude,
In doing our part, there'll be faces with a better attitude.

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