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After the Light

by Kathleen Higham

Rush, rush, rush about
So much needs to be done
Not enough time in the day
Race against the sinking sun.

Oh, but light can wither
Scorch the gentlest soul
If the battle loses purpose
Focused only on the goal.

Time marches on, no matter
The sun that warms the air
Then fades unto the darkness
As God waits quietly there.

The night is still and calm
Distant sounds of life abound
Until all life settles, then
Not even a whisper of a sound.

Our Father longs to hear
A voice that cries in the night
Surrendering every thought
Alone with Him, after the light.

The Lord is present always
But we falter in the fight
Rush, rush, rush about
Trying to do what is right.

A shadow so wondrous comes
The Spirit intercedes, holds tight
Moans words inexpressible, at last
Alone with Him, after the light.

Romans 8:26
Likewise the Spirit also helps in our weakness. For we do not know what we should pray for as we ought, but the Spirit Himself makes intercessions for us with groanings which cannot be uttered.

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