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No Delays

by Robert Hedrick

The conditions are always favorable for those who're heaven bound,
No matter if there's lots of fog or piles of snow covering the ground.
There will be smooth sailing, that is after the final call is made,
Then tickets won't be necessary because the fare's already been paid.

Preparations for this journey are different from those taken in the past,
For the ones who are making it, know it'll be their best and their last.
They'll not worry about leaving things behind whenever they depart,
After all, they only take the truths they have stored in their heart.

This journey's available and affordable to all people, there's no fee,
It has been paid for by a Sinless Man Who died upon Calvary's Tree.
He was The Son of God, Who came to save sinners from a sea of sin,
The blood He shed will open heaven's doors, allowing them to go in.

Many saints have already taken this journey in those times gone by,
Safely in Jesus' arms and never again having to face Satan's lie.
If they could send us a message, I believe it'd be something like this,
To all who will listen, heaven's the one place you cant afford to miss.

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