Could the words of a poet whom you may have never known
Help comfort or console you when you're feeling far from home?
Can a painting stir within you thoughts that cause your course to turn,
Even if the painter's resting on the mantel in an urn?
Can a story acted out, like a movie or a play,
Make an impact on the one who watches, shifting them some way?
Every person paints a picture; every life a story spells.
Our obituary poems tell the world what we've done well.
Our lives can leave an impact like a ship that leaves a wake,
Causing movement in the seas behind with every turn we take.
Meaningful is every act, impactful as a drill.
So don't be one who wastes away the days with time to kill.
God's given you a purpose and a set of gifts to share,
So get to work and leave this world with nothing left to spare!
With all your might, combined with prayer for strength from God above,
May all your deeds paint pictures of a Christ-reflecting love!
Romans 5:8b While we were stills sinners, Christ (the Holy One) died for us.
Revelations 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me.
This poem was a finalist in the
November 2022 poetry contest