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QUITTER- Not A Christian Choice

by Donna Hendrix

Q is for quintessential for life's hopes and dreams
God is a must for navigating life's steams
U is for "You are my God in every deed I undertake,
You are my guidance; the one who will never forsake"
I is for "I need you leading my life each day
I need you to help me walk in your perfect way"
T is for "The battles that daily will ensue
And for temptations that blindside your heart so true"
T is for "The Trinity, the Father, Son, and the Holy Ghost
The three you want to keep so very, very close"
E is for empowerment that the Holy Spirit brings
Emblazoned on our hearts to overcome anything
R is for the resources that our Father gives to us
In rounding out our lives in the precious name of Jesus

Put them all together and you've got a quitter
Never ever a choice that a Christian should even consider
For with Jesus Christ you can do all things
For he will give you the strength to overcome what life brings!

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