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Dusk To Dawn

by louis gander

Why at dusk did Your evening sunset overwhelm the blue -
and how did I miss, with sunlight's fade, our dimming friendship too?

Why did the grasses so appear 'greener on the other side'
and how did You seem so far away - beyond the deserts wide?

Why did I always rivers ride, with every twist and bend -
and how was it all futility with needs that never end?

Why did I go my selfish way and how'd I cut my path -
right over the worst terrain I found, only to find Your wrath?

Why did Your roses lose their scent and how'd our friendship wilt -
and how when with repentance here, did truth exacerbate guilt?

Why did I seek man's wisdom when my stomach grew to yearn
then question straight and narrow path that lost my chance to learn?

Why did my heart seem hardened so and how'd I grow so old -
waiting for all Your answers here in this frigid midnight cold?

Why did the chills surround me so and shiver every bone
and how did Your stars stare down at me and make me feel alone?

How did the darkness blanket me though moon and stars shone bright?
It seemingly mocks my presence here. It doesn't seem quite right...

No longer will I cut my path nor crawl through desert sand.
I'll walk beside still waters here, beside You, hand in hand.

It's easy to say 'Forgive me', but hard to be sincere,
still harder to walk the narrow, harder yet to persevere.

But peering to the Heavens now and awed by what I see -
I'm so content in knowing that You're right down here with me.

I know Your love, Your faithfulness, Your brilliant haloed face -
and faith reveals that dawn has come with morning sun, Your grace.

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