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A Fish Story

by Margaret Cagle

We needed food for our meal,
So I went fishing that day.
I needed to catch some fish.
Supper time was not far away.

I felt a big tug on my line.
I thought there was a bite.
When I reeled in that line,
There was no fish in sight.

"I know you think you're smart.
You cleverly nibbled the bait.
Then you swam away with glee.
You'll get caught! Just wait!"

Rebaiting my hook, I cast again.
I felt a big tug on my line.
Up I reeled a nice big fish.
"Now you're caught! You're mine!"

Sometimes Christians nibble bait
When Satan lures them in.
Then they don't know when to quit,
So they get caught in their sin.

Just remember this fish story,
And don't nibble on Satan's bait.
Someday in sin, you'll get caught,
And chastening will be your fate.

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