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by louis gander

The hare runs very swiftly,
for ten years he can go -
but patient, walks the turtle for
a hundred years or so...


Rounding curves, squealing with a
couple hundred horses -
stretched out over lawful edge,
anticipating forces.

Sporty style and glossy paint -
surpassing every class -
clean and polished, buffed and waxed,
with tinted window glass.

Transmissions humming through the gears,
bring screeching to the tires -
and then the booming drowns the streets -
huge speakers strung with wires.

Flying off at green lights hue,
with pedals under lead -
wasting gas, polluting air,
to break at every red...

The pedals crush the metal flat
with heavy laden feet -
yet idle through the drive ups then,
for food that's good to eat.

Running full in circles wide,
while rushing far and near -
important is the coffee cup,
some cigarettes or beer.

Another day, another laugh,
for fun is not a crime!
Let's get the guys together 'cause -
it's almost party time!

Then sharp, the sirens pierce the night,
and everything goes wrong...
A child wandered in the street.
The doctors take too long.

So many people crying,
so many people sad -
so many people blaming God,
so many people mad.

This poem's not about a car,
a cycle, or a van -
but oh, about the drivers there,
the much impatient man...


Now God created turtles,
and God created hares -
but then created patient man,
if patient are his prayers.


Galatians 5:18-23

This poem won first place for the April 2011 poetry contest

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