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Sister Phebe

by Margaret Cagle

Paul wrote letters to churches dear
That he helped to start far and near.
He was in prison for taking a stand,
Preaching Jesus throughout the land.

Sometimes in letters, he would name
Saints in churches who were of no fame.
He saluted some, and he greeted others,
Mentioning Godly sisters and brothers.

"My Sister Phebe, I commend unto you.
In Cenchrea's church, a servant true.
Romans, receive her in the Lord, indeed.
Assist her in whatever she will need."

"Phebe has assisted me and also others,
Helping so many sisters and brothers."
Of Phebe, Paul had nice things to say.
She had lived her life in a Godly way.

Phebe never knew that in the Bible pages,
Her name would stay throughout the ages.
O Christian, like Phebe, to God be true,
So others can easily see Jesus in you.

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