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The Right Ingredients

by Margaret Cagle

If you're cooking healthy food to eat,
Or if you're baking a high calorie treat,
You should really follow a good recipe,
Using the right ingredients, you see.

If you throw in a pinch of this or that,
Your cake may be tough and even flat.
If you want a tasty, delicious stew,
Include the meat and vegetables too.

What ingredients go in a Christian life
That will bless us and cause less strife?
If we read our Bible just now and then,
We will miss blessings and fall into sin.

Let's always talk to our Lord in prayer.
Give Him our burden and leave it there.
Our fellowship with Jesus, our Light
Will be broken if our heart's not right.

Use the right ingredients when you bake
Banana bread, cookies, or a carrot cake,
But more important than baking a cake
Is what we do on earth for Jesus' sake.

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