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Always In God's View

by Margaret Cagle

I had a seat by the window
As I flew in that huge jet.
I didn't want to miss the view
That from here I could get.

I looked down as we took off
And ascended high in the sky.
My eyes scanned the ground
As the airplane flew so high.

The people looked like ants
If you could see them at all.
I couldn't see if they were short
Or if they were big and tall.

The houses looked like boxes
Lined up this way and that.
I could not tell a mansion
From a seedy, run-down flat.

Before we flew too high I looked
And thought my house I was viewing.
I knew exactly who all were there
And what probably each was doing.

I thought, "When God looks down
And on each one, He has a view,
Will He find us pleasing Him,
Doing what we all should do?"

Will He hear us talking to Him
As we call on Him in prayer?
Will He find us reading His Word
As we study Scriptures with care?

Will God find us ever watching
To meet Our Savior in the air?
Will He find us ever working
So His Gospel we can share?

We are always in God's view.
Let us please Him in every way.
Let us listen for the trumpet.
It could be just any day!

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