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Assemble With The Saints

by Margaret Cagle

I'm trying to think of an excuse
To stay home from church today.
My bed feels soft and so cozy,
And here I would like to stay.

My ox could be in the ditch,
But I really don't own an ox,
And even my newborn kittens
Are safe and secure in a box.

"I feel really sick today,"
Always a good excuse to use.
"My feet are swollen so much
I just cannot put on my shoes."

Then way down deep within,
The Holy Spirit speaks to me.
"My child, through any excuse
Your Heavenly Father can see."

"He sent Jesus, His only Son
To die on the cross for you.
You can assemble with the saints.
That's the least that you can do."

I feel oh so very unworthy
Of God's mercy and His grace.
I will get up and go to church
With a big smile on my face.

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