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Accepted In The Beloved

by Margaret Cagle

A murderer was sitting on death row.
Being a lost sinner, to Hell he'd go.
He accepted Christ on bended knee,
So accepted in the Beloved is he.

A dying man repented of his sin.
He asked Jesus to save him then.
"I'm on my way to Heaven," said he.
He's accepted in the Beloved, you see.

The meanest man in town got saved.
He repented of the way he had behaved.
He'll go to Heaven one day; it's true.
He is accepted in the Beloved too.

A little girl, just seven years-old
Trusted Jesus to save her, I was told.
One day in Heaven, this one I'll see,
For accepted in the Beloved is she.

God sent His Son to this earth below
To die on a cross for sin, you know.
If we trust Him to wash away our sin.
We are accepted in the Beloved then.

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