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Mr. Miran And His Riches

by Margaret Cagle

Mr. Miran was a wealthy man,
And he had no need for God.
He lived to accumulate riches
As upon this earth he trod.

Mr. Miran began to lose weight,
And he did not feel so well.
Even though he took his meds,
His health continued to fail.

They put him in the hospital.
Would those tests ever cease?
Then came the final diagnosis.
"Sir, you have a fatal disease."

Mr. Miran went to other doctors,
Getting second opinions and more,
But they all said the same thing
As all the doctors said before.

Then he went to other countries,
Even to villages remote and obscure.
He thought, "With all my money,
I should be able to find a cure."

He came home feeling defeated.
He called a Christian doctor friend.
"What you need," said the doctor,
"Is to get ready to meet the end."

"But can't you pray to your God
Like the preachers do on the TV
For God to heal this sickness?
It would mean so much to me!"

"Sir, I can pray for your body,
But you need to consider your soul.
Your soul will go on forever
As the many, many ages roll."

Finally Mr. Miran understood
That his money he loved so well
Could not heal his sick body
Or save his sinful soul from Hell.

That day Mr. Miran humbled himself
And dropped down on his knees.
He trusted in Jesus, the Savior,
As he made his sincere humble pleas.

His disease went into remission,
And he lived many more happy years.
He accumulated spiritual riches,
Giving God his heartaches and fears.

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