Bones lie strewn upon my plate,
clean and in a meatless state.
Here lies a decimated chicken
bones no longer finger lick'n.
As I gaze upon these bones,
unconnected each alone,
now my mind begins to ponder
at each bone ripped asunder.
What if these bones begin to move?
each one fitting groove into groove,
slowly they begin reknitting
each reconnecting to this chicken.
All fixed again and in their right place
here lies the skeleton on my plate.
The miracle continues as its organs join together,
its body re-skinned, then feather after feather.
And what if I could prove this once dead chicken
is alive and well, its pluses re-quickened.
I suspect a massive scurry
of the world's newsmen in a hurry,
to capture such a miraculous sight
of a once-dead chicken back in flight
"Never was there such a thing to behold…
when all there was left was dry bones!"
We walk amongst bones every day,
bones that live yet are dry and dead.
We speak to them the Word of the Lord,
with confidence we believe He can restore.
We trust the Holy Spirit to give new life
and raise these bones from death to life.
And raise, He does, as He pours breath
into countless bones alive yet dead.
And miracles abound every day,
as once dead bones new lives display
the spirit of life and love and song
towards their Saviour to whom they belong.