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by Kathleen Higham

I've walked in rain
When it was like a mist
I lifted my face
And felt it's kiss

And peace was all around me
Leaves soaking in the air
Tender branches hanging low
I know that God was there

Small animals scurried to and fro
Feathers fluttering in a puddle
While some are gathered closely
As a mother and child they cuddle

Others fly to safety
Settling deep within a tree
But ducks they seem to laugh and play
The rain they love to see

It doesn't matter where you are
For the rain will come to you
Whether gentle or a drenching rain
It makes you feel brand new

And even if your mood is sad
It will wash away your sorrow
And every day looks bright and clean
As you look forward to the morrow

And all the birds are singing
You heard them as you slept
And the grounds and trees are beautiful
After the rain has left

For everything that lives and breathes
Is sustained from this heavenly dew
As Our Father weeps His silent tears
You are soothed as they pour over you

And rain that comes in blinding sheets
Or gentle as "The Lamb"
Gives the message of the life He brings
As He says again "I Am"

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Book by Kathleen Higham

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