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Do Good To Others

by Margaret Cagle

A man was hired to build a house
Of the best materials he could buy,
But in order to make more money,
He bought materials of inferior ply.

He cut corners whenever he could.
He thought, "The owner won't know
That I did not do a very good job,"
For on the outside, it didn't show.

He finished building the house,
And no one could really see a flaw.
The buyer came to take a view,
And he was pleased with what he saw.

Then the buyer said to the builder,
"I am glad you built it so well,
For I discovered you needed a house.
It is for you; it's not for sale.

The builder looked very surprised,
And he groaned down deep inside,
For he remembered what was beneath
That the very nice siding did hide.

Do good toward all others, indeed,
As for yourself, you would do.
You can never know when this good
Could come back and bless even you.

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