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His Path to Glory

by Annie B © 2020

By the thorny path of sorrow,
Counting fleshly gain but loss;
Wins for me a glad tomorrow;
For, I’m redeemed by His Cross.

Raptured clouds closely drifting;
Comes to His Own a great reward;
As our eyes are now uplifted
To the glory of our Lord.

Hear shouts to the King Eternal;
For now, the strife is over!
He has drowned the powers infernal,
Throwing wide and high Heaven’s door.

Sing shouts for the Son He’s risen!
And God’s Own, in Him, shall rise.
Broken are our bars of prison;
Won the rest of paradise.

Then, His Church shall go to meet Him
In the breaking of the dawn.
At His altars, they will kneel to great Him,
On this glorious and promised morn.

Sing praises to the King Immortal
Who shall, with His Church, abide;
Till we pass through death’s dark portal
To the eternal Eastertide.

Psalm 42:4
King James Version

"When I remember these things, I pour
out my soul in me: for I had gone with
the multitude, I went with them to the
house of God, with the voice of joy and
praise, with a multitude that kept

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