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Pearl Harbor Day

by Margaret Cagle

On December seventh, nineteen-forty-one,
Pearl Harbor was attacked ere the day was done.
Pearl Harbor was one of our American bases,
So our nation displayed saddened faces.

This threw us headlong into World War Two.
We had to stand and fight for what's true.
Because of the surprise Japanese attack,
For freedom, our nation had to fight back.

We dropped some bombs; that was sad,
But we know that war is always so bad.
On Iwo Jima, we finally raised our flag.
On the value of lives, there's no price tag.

We won the war, but we lost many lives,
So each year when Pearl Harbor Day arrives,
We thank our great God so much that we
Still have a nation that is free.

Remember Pearl Harbor and thank God
That we live in freedom on our sod.
We see so much wrong in our nation today,
But God blesses His people in a great way!

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