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Bind up Their Wounds

by Danette Kettwich

We witness in silent horror
As we watch the news unfold
We hold our breath and wait
As our blood runs cold

We can't fathom what we hear
We try to make some sense
We cry out for the families
Who have lost their innocence.

Where is God some ask
As the final beat of hearts?
Where was He that day
When the lives fall apart?

Where was the guardian angels?
When innocence was slain
What could be the purpose
Of such horrific pain?

God was in the heartbreak
He was there with the tears
He was there with each teacher
Calming the children's fears

He was there with the officers
As His coat was draped
On a shivering child
Wishing it was a mistake

He is with a town
In shock and disbelief
Wondering if they ever
Will again feel joy's relief

He is there hands reaching
As the nation falls apart
Waiting and longing
To be welcomed in each heart

He was with the many teachers
Who guarded with their lives
And protected little ones
Telling them to hide their eyes

He was there beside each of us
As we put into perspective
What our needs really are
He caused us to be reflective

For some will be lives empty
And we have a choice to make
Look at the needs of others
Or to decide just to take.

Carried on angelic wings
Are each and every tear
To the throne of God
Who now holds them near.

Psalms 147:3 He heals the brokenhearted and binds up their wounds.

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