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Chocolate For Christmas

by Margaret Cagle

Over in a third world country,
A missionary served God well.
The story of salvation's plan
To many people, she did tell.

She especially loved to teach
Those little children so dear.
She had a burden for the lost,
And she had a great mission here.

One of the little girls got saved.
She witnessed to her brother one day.
He asked, "How can I really know
That Jesus hears me when I pray?"

He said, "One day I tasted chocolate,
And I would like to have some more.
I will pray to Jesus and ask Him
For chocolate like I had before."

This little boy then prayed to Jesus
For some delicious chocolate to eat.
His sister knew chocolate was rare,
So inside she really felt defeat.

In America, in a Sunday School,
Joyfully every lad and every lass
Were busy gathering Christmas gifts
To send to that missionary's class.

One little boy brought a chocolate bar.
He brought a big king-sized one.
The teacher was reluctant to send it,
For chocolate will melt in the sun.

They carefully packed the chocolate
In the very middle of that crate.
Then they sent those Christmas gifts.
They didn't want them to be late.

Christmas came, and all the gifts
Were gladly given to every child.
The little brother opened his gift,
And with joy, he really went wild.

"Look, Sister! Jesus does hear
When I get on my knees and pray.
I have a big piece of chocolate
For my special Christmas gift today!"

Little brother went to the teacher.
He humbly got on his knees to pray.
He asked Jesus Christ to save him.
He received Jesus that very day.

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