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In Pursuit Of Happiness

by Margaret Cagle

What does it take to make you happy?
Could it be great fame or wealth,
Or wearing modern styles and fashions,
Or just being in very good health?

Many, unfortunately, try alcohol,
And drugs they seem to treasure.
They're trying to gain joy and peace.
They're seeking happiness and pleasure.

Many are happy for just a season
When they can buy the latest IPOD
Or the latest line of smart phones.
I wonder if they ever talk to God.

Worldly pleasures can bring happiness
For just a short season, I'm sure,
But they fail to bring inner peace.
Through time, this will not endure.

We can find great joy and hapiness
That can satisfy the human soul
By accepting Jesus as our Savior,
And let serving Him be our goal.

We can find the happiness that we seek
As we turn our lives over to God.
We can have great joy and inner peace
As on this road of life we trod.

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