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Time Out

by Margaret Cagle

Some school teachers give "time out"
As an effective discipline measure.
They may take away some play time
Or some fun activity of pleasure.

Maybe God sometimes uses "time out"
When His children do not obey
By causing us to take time off
From trying to do things our way.

We sometimes get so very busy
Doing all the things we have to do.
We unintentionally leave God out
Of our busy daily schedule too.

When we live our lives this way,
Is it what a Christian is all about?
God may look down on us and say,
"Child, for your sake it's "time out!"

With some sickness or misfortune,
God may for a time set us aside,
So we can have some time to pray
And seek Him for our great Guide.

Let us include God in our lives.
Let's do it each and every day,
So God won't have to say "time out"
As we decide to do things His way.

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