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Hold Your Peace

by Margaret Cagle

The Israelites were in bondage
In Egypt for four-hundred years.
They served cruel taskmasters,
Through suffering, pain, and tears.

God used Moses to deliver them
From hard-hearted Pharaoh's hold.
Leaving Egypt, they camped by the sea.
A fearful sight, they did behold.

The Israelites lifted up their eyes
To see Egyptians following them.
"We will die in the wilderness!"
Their future really looked dim.

Moses gave them this Godly advice:
"Fear ye not." He said, "Stand still
And see the salvation of the Lord.
Today you will see it! You will!"

"The Lord shall fight for you,
And ye shall hold your peace."
The Lord told Moses to tell them
To go forward and do not cease.

God told Moses to take his rod
And stretch it over the Red Sea.
"My people shall walk on dry land,
But the Egyptians shall follow thee."

Moses then obeyed the Lord God,
And the waters rolled into a heap.
There was dry ground to walk upon
Instead of the Red Sea so deep.

The Egyptians tried to follow,
But Moses stretched forth his rod,
And the waters rolled back in place
By the hand of our almighty God.

The Egyptians who followed them
Were drowned that very same day.
God fought the battle for Israel
Just like prophet Moses did say.

Some things you can do for yourself.
Christian, some things you cannot do.
Sometimes you should hold your peace
And let God fight the battle for you.

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