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Trials Can Turn Into Blessings

by Margaret Cagle

Christians, when trials come
And burdens bring us down,
Our big "mountain-top" smile
Turns into a "low-valley" frown.

Maybe someone informed you
When your trials began to mount,
"Others are worse off than you!"
It seems your pain doesn't count.

God allowed trials for Job.
He can allow trials for us too,
But just like faithful Job,
To our God, we can stand true.

Joseph was sold by his brothers
To a traveling Ishmaelite band.
God had a very special reason
For taking him to Egypt's land.

His brothers meant it for evil,
But God meant it for good.
Trials turned into blessings.
For his God, Joseph stood.

Tell God about all your trials,
Lingering in earnest prayer.
Give your burdens to the Lord,
And then just leave them there.

When times of deep trials come,
And your suffering seems severe,
Great blessings could be coming.
Yes, they could be very near!

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