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An Act Of Compassion

by Margaret Cagle

A policeman in New York City
Saw a homeless man in Times Square.
The temperature was near freezing,
But no shoes did this man wear.

The policeman eyed those cold feet,
And he tried to guess his shoe size.
He guessed that he wore a big shoe,
Probably size twelve, he did surmise.

The policeman had a tender heart,
And he just really wanted to cry,
So he walked to a nearby shoe store,
For some shoes he wanted to buy.

The policeman bought some nice boots
And a pair of socks to go with them.
Then he returned to the homeless man.
Very humbly did he approach him.

He knelt in front of this needy man,
And he lifted one of his feet.
He began to shod this shoeless man,
Whom he very kindly did greet.

"Let's get those feet warm, Buddy!"
Then he put the boots on the man.
From this kind act of this policeman,
Let's learn a lesson if we can.

Is this kind policeman a Christian?
This bit of info, I do not know,
But in this kind act of compassion,
Christlike behavior, he doth show.

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