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End Of Construction

by Margaret Cagle

In a grave in North Carolina
Lies the body of a lady so dear.
She lived her life for the Lord
As she served Him year after year.

Her name was Ruth Bell Graham.
Billy is her husband's name.
Yes, he is the great evangelist
Who has acquired world fame.

Ruth was very humble and meek
As she lived daily for God.
She wrote books and helped Billy
As on this earth she trod.

Ruth eyed a construction sign
That caught her attention one day.
"End of construction--Thank you
For your patience," it did say.

"I'm under construction," she said.
"God just keeps working on me.
End of construction! That's it!
I want that on my tombstone, you see."

One day God called Ruth home
To live with her Savior up there.
She no longer needed construction
In her Heavenly home so fair.

You can see Ruth Graham's tombstone
If you ever visit the Graham place.
It has, "End of construction--Thank you
For your patience," engraved on its face.

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