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A Table In The Wilderness

by Margaret Cagle

The Israelites were in bondage
Four-hundred years in Egypt land.
Then God brought them all out
With His great almighty hand.

God desired to lead His people
Into a promised land so sublime,
But they doubted God and murmured
On their trip from time to time.

They questioned God's great power.
They asked, "Is God really able
In this great, vast wilderness
To furnish food for our table?"

Even though they doubted God,
In His great infinite love,
He sent them much tasty manna,
His special food from above.

How about our faith, Christian.
Isn't our great God also able
To supply every one of our needs
And to furnish food for our table?

Let us not doubt God's promises.
Let us have faith and believe.
God is able to supply our needs.
Ask, believe, and you'll receive.

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