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They Watched Him There

by Margaret Cagle

"Sitting down, they watched Him there"
As Jesus was crucified that day.
They watched our sinless, holy Savior
Die in an agonizing, horrible way.

They watched that crown of thorns
As it pierced His aching brow so deep.
They watched soldiers pierce his sides.
They watched His loving mother weep.

They watched His precious blood flow
From Christ's hands and His feet too
As He said, "Father forgive them
For they know not what they do."

They watched the day turn to darkness
As our Savior cried out in agony.
He cried loudly, "My God, My God,
Why hast Thou forsaken Me?"

They watched as Christ Jesus died
Upon that old cruel rugged tree.
They watched the holy Savior die
For our salvation, full and free.

I wonder if any of those watching
Trusted in the Lord Jesus that day.
They watched as He shed His blood,
And many sadly turned Him away.

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