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Proclaim, Exclaim, And Exalt His Name

by Margaret Cagle

Some students do not recognize
An exclamatory sentence in school.
They see no excitement in anything,
Even though they know the rule.

That slender exclamation mark
Has a character of its very own.
It means, "I have great feeling,
And I use an exciting tone!"

That little exclamation point
Seems to jump up into the air
As it leaves a little dot on base
And excitement, it will share.

I use that exclamation mark
So I can praise God better,
When I praise God in poems,
Or I praise Him in a letter.

Praise God and Hallelujah!
My sins are all washed away!
Wow! Can you see how that mark
Can express what I want to say?

Yes, I can show great feeling
When the Gospel I proclaim.
I freely use that little mark.
I love to exalt Christ's name!

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