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From Death Unto Life

by Margaret Cagle

Behold the scene; it is serene,
But sorrow is in the air.
Friends and loved ones weep
For Lazarus, a brother so fair.

"Our brother died," Martha sighed,
As she greeted her Master so dear.
"You could have healed his body,
If only You would have been here."

"But I believe that You'll receive
Of God whatsoever You pray."
Jesus said, "Thy brother will rise."
Said Martha, "Yes, at the last day."

Then Martha heard her Master's word,
And she forgot her sorrow and strife.
Jesus turned to her and said,
"I am the resurrection and the life."

Then Jesus said, "Though he were dead,
If one believes on Me, he shall live.
Martha, believest thou this?" He asked.
"Lord, I believe!" A reply she did give.

Jesus neared the grave; it was in a cave.
"Take away the stone," he said.
"But Lord, he stinketh!" said Martha.
"For four days he has been dead."

There was a shout for him to come out.
"Lazarus, come forth!" Jesus cried.
Then came forth a living Lazarus,
That man who had already died.

He made no sound for he was bound.
"Loose him and let him go!"
Many Jews believed on Jesus that day.
They said, "He's the Christ, we know!"

If you believe, you will receive
Salvation, the gift of God's love.
Though you may die, you'll live again
In that great Heavenly home above.

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