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Sin In The Camp

by Margaret Cagle

We read in the Bible of Achan,
Who committed the sin of greed.
He took of the accursed thing
And was guilty of a great misdeed.

Achan saw the very lavish goods,
And he coveted as he went,
And took of the accursed thing,
And hid it under his tent.

Then Israel lost the battle
When against Ai, she did go.
There was truly sin in the camp,
And this caused Israel's woe.

Achan's sin was then uncovered,
And he and his family were stoned.
God had to judge sin in the camp,
And this sin had to be atoned.

Again Israel went against Ai.
This time the battle was won.
The accursed thing was removed,
And God's judgment was done.

Sometimes in our churches,
Some members try to cover sin.
That sin in the camp may hinder
Blessings from flowing within.

If we confess our sin to God,
He is faithful to forgive.
We can keep sin out of the camp
As each day for Christ we live.

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