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Triumphal Entry

by Paul Purday

The donkey's colt upon its back would hold
For the first time a Man, and such was He
Whose Godly shoulder carried weight untold
Of the world's government, all earth and sea.

The colt would only feel the weight of Grace
While crowds with adulation lined the way
Unerringly were looking in God's face
And on the ground palm-branches they would lay.

The onward path of Heaven's lowly King
The shouts of praise and blessing filled the air
And loud 'Hosannas' round His head would ring
But of His future days were unaware.

How quickly those same praising crowds would turn
Applaud His painful death-march to the Cross
The memories of His healing journey spurn
Unwittingly their lives would suffer loss.

And to this King our true Hosannas raise
Hosanna in the Highest! We acclaim
This King of Heaven, King of endless days
When all will bow in honour to His Name!

This poem was a finalist in the August 2024 poetry contest

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Book by Paul Purday

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